If you’re like a lot of people, you’re feeling burnt out and stressed out heading into 2021. In light of that stress, self-care and wellness have fallen by the wayside. You could let that negative energy follow you into the new year, but why not rededicate yourself to wellness instead? With these 12 wellness practices for 2021, you can start your year off right.

1. Take More Time Off
Regardless of your job, it’s important to take time off. Time away from work boosts energy, creativity, and productivity, and strengthens the immune system. If you’re one of the 55 percent of Americans who don’t use their vacation days, make 2021 the year you change that.

2. Do What You Love
You don’t have to be in love with your job to do what you love. Make time outside of working hours to engage in the hobbies that make you feel in tune with yourself.
3. Finally Ask for That Standing Desk
You know that sitting all day is bad for your health, so why are you still doing it? Make this the year you ask for a standing desk. While there’s no guarantee your boss will grant your request for this item, an increasing number of employers do.
4. Get Your Heart Rate Up
Standing is only one part of the equation; you also need to get moving. Get your heart rate up for 30 minutes every day and use a fitness tracker or smartwatch if you need help staying accountable. Depending on the kind you choose, you can track steps, heart rate, sleep, and more. Of course, the more features you want means the more money you’ll need to spend, so consider what you need in a tracker before buying.

5. Listen to Your Gut
The bacteria in your gut influence everything from your digestion to your mood. Whether you want to lose weight, improve your mental health, or fight inflammation, it’s important to pay attention to what your gut is telling you. While unhealthy fats and added sugars feed bad gut bacteria, whole grains, legumes, and vegetables promote a healthy gut.
6. Eat Less Meat
What’s a great way to get more grains, legumes, and produce into your diet? Going meatless! Replacing just a few meals per week with healthy plant-based options not only adds more variety to your diet, but it also helps the planet too.

7. Ditch a Bad Habit
Whether it’s staying up too late during the week, procrastinating, ordering take-out too often, or putting yourself down, pick a bad habit to kick in 2021. If you need extra motivation, give one of these habit-tracking apps a try.
8. Find Like-Minded Friends
It’s easier to commit to wellness goals when you have the support of like-minded friends. Group fitness classes and retreats, for example, are great ways to connect with other wellness-focused individuals. You can also try joining a wellness Meetup group.

9. Practice Gratitude
As you progress through 2021, you’ll have a lot to be thankful for. Whether it’s good health or good friends, make time to express gratitude for the positive things in life. Expressing gratitude not only shows people you care, but it’s also great for your own emotional well-being too.
10. Remember to Breathe
With every triumph comes challenges and setbacks. Rather than letting them get you down, practice mindfulness. Breathing exercises are the perfect way to center yourself in moments of stress because you can do them anywhere.
11. Immerse Yourself in Wellness
If you really want to commit yourself to wellness in 2021 and beyond, dedicate time to an immersive wellness experience. A wellness tour is a perfect opportunity to learn without the distractions of work and life, and many find the experience helps them maintain their habits at home. No matter what your interests, you can find a tour to inspire you.
12. Celebrate Yourself
Finally, celebrate yourself! You’ve come a long way in your wellness journey. While there are always new goals to work towards, take time to appreciate everything you’ve accomplished and all you’ve learned. Everyone’s journey to better wellness takes a different path; while yours may look different than others, what matters is that you’re still moving forward.
For advice, guidance and booking a healthy holiday,
visit www.healthandfitnesstravel.com
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