Chaarmz White Affair - An event to remember!
by Mala Rambharose
The sound of the rain pitter-pattering was screeched away by windshield wipers at a steady interval. The sky was full of clouds that promised to disperse once our morning caffeine kicked in. The grass was greener here, trees – taller. We pulled up to an elegant house that was deceiving in its’ simplistic lines.

Stepping onto the dewy grass and into a side doorway revealed the soul of a home quite extravagant.There were winding staircases and chandeliers, plush velvet benches and ornately engraved frames.

The hustle and bustle of an energetic young family preparing for a celebration, an adventure, echoed in the halls, with voices kind and bright. Kal had already arrived and gave us a basic ‘backstage’ production tour… where models would be getting ready…where designers would be stationed. Stepping up into the backyard was like discovering a secret oasis – levels, a fireplace, a pool and hot tub with one corner seeming to overlook a forest? a meadow? I couldn’t quite tell but nothing you would find in the middle of a condensed city like Toronto.

This beautiful family lived in Nobleton and were celebrating two birthdays with two fabulous fashion shows and a Chaarmz Magazine cover reveal.

Though many years and many miles now separated me from my time working in live events at the CBC, some things still felt familiar. Event days started off slow and scattered, everyone engaged in their own random tasks before each moving part begins gelling together.
Upstairs Ashish was ironing t-shirts for the crew, downstairs Kal was setting up the media wall, the hair and makeup team began to arrive and lay out their tools and brushes adorning tabletops with an array of colors and sparkles. Once Sabrina stepped onto the scene with her mom the day ‘got going’. She was the choreographer and fashion coordinator. All of a sudden there was (much needed) coffee and I went from being an extra hand to being plopped into a chair for hair and makeup. Two of the models couldn’t make it and I was subbed in to the show.

Designers were set up in the basement for fittings as the rest of the group – models, musicians, assistants, and catering staff trickled in for the rest of the afternoon. Kanika was a Mrs. India Worldwide and her pieces were modern, bright and colorful. The Tome collection fit the theme for the evening – a white party. Every dress could have been a wedding gown and Tome even made it to the Oscar red carpet earlier this year. But knowing these interesting facts did not invoke the same feeling as realizing I had to walk for these talented and accomplished designers!

Once the fittings were underway and Sabrina and Kal were moving us into rehearsal time my nerves were buzzing with anticipation. Our runway included a long staircase and walking by the very large pool in heels. At some point I waved Ashish over to sneak me a drink, then waited (and waited) for his return. Though I was being gluten-free, including my previous days brunch at Cora’s (winky face) I substituted my craving for alcohol with lots of pizza.

The air was still a little cool as guests arrived but at least the area around the pool had completely dried from the morning rain and there was a bright sun in a clear sky. It seemed like every person stepping through the front door and into the back yard could have been in the fashion show – a stylish, sophisticated crowd. There were a couple speeches leading up to the Chantel Elloway cover reveal - who arrived from Dubai dripping in pearls. As the fashion show neared models ran around taking last minute selfies and receiving their finishing touches of hair spray and lip gloss, making sure zippers were zipped and pins were pinned and loose ends were all tucked in.

The Tome fashion show ran smoothly. My only focus walking down the staircase and along the pool was to pull the bottom of the white dress slightly and kick my heels ever so gently so as not to trip on the fabric. Kanika’s show however started differently – not just due to choreography - but a power outage. The lights and music vanished into darkness but the show must always go on. And on it went as there was a scurry to get the power back in place, the models and guests had a few more moments to breathe before a second crescendo. And then there were colors and smoke and people began to dance. Once the birthday cake was cut and lanterns lit, the ‘debauchery’ began. For myself, it was finally a glass of champagne and a delicious midnight feast. Besides one guest dancing atop the fireplace, kneeling before another, slipping off her heel and putting her toes in his mouth (what happens when you let Toronto scene-sters into your backyard) it was a classy affair - definitely a Chaarmz-ing night, full of the best company, style, music, food and celebration that will be remembered for years to come.

[Photo Credits: Jack Hathaway @cosplay]
When the DJ was packing up and the bar shutting down beneath the stars I bummed a ride back to Toronto off Kal. I was looking forward to a good night sleep as lingering thoughts from Nobleton danced around my head. Kal – of course – was heading downtown to
Escobar, the kind of club you need a secret password to get into.
Until next time…
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