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Writer's pictureTamara Atzenwiler

Just Add Joy!

With over 20 years of experience consulting with international CEOs, Tamara is now President of a Consulting Firm in Ottawa, Canada. With her passion for marketing, lifestyle and luxury goods, Tamara has expanded her business to include ‘influencing,’ allowing her to interact daily with clients and customers while successfully marketing products she is passionate about.

Summer has finally arrived. Knowing that this beloved season can be so fleeting in Canada, I know it is important for me to prioritize spending time outdoors - doing things I love, despite having a busy schedule.

But how? Lately, I realized that I had defaulted to an old toxic habit. I was going at breakneck speed for no reason.I had to remind myself that I am the curator of my life and that I hold the power to carve out the pockets of joy I was seeking. It was time to reconnect with myself. Little did I know, the lessons I learned could be carried over to all seasons of my life.

Six Inspiring Steps to Filling Your Cup With Productivity & Joy

  1. Focus Your Energy

Aware that I was getting caught up in the cycle of being “busy” (which can lead to burn out and unsatisfaction). I had to revisit where my energy was going and acknowledge that only I could slow myself down. I had to be more selective and began to focus on projects that would provide the best ‘ROI’ also known as ‘Return on Investment.’ This approach would fill my cup both financially and emotionally - allowing me to work smarter not harder.


2. Know What Brings You Joy

When recently asked the question, “What do you do for fun?" I found myself perplexed. It seemed like an easy answer, why was I so unsure? I realized that in order to add more joy to my life, I needed to know what joy looked like outside of work and repeating the same old hobbies. Creating a fun to-do list made me feel happy and alive. Even the anticipation of doing fun-loving things was exhilarating.

It can be as simple as watching a sunset, swimming, gardening, colouring, playing with my dogs, setting up croquet in the yard, planning a fun BBQ or enjoying wine amongst my blooms. Everyone’s version of joy is unique. Perhaps it’s time to ask yourself, “What does your joy look and feel like?”

The process of re-connecting with my inner child and remembering what it means to just have fun brought a renewed sense of lightness and calm to my busy brain.

3. Be A Goal Getter!

I have always been a goal getter but it was time to laser focus on my top priorities in order to create more space for my new found friend, JOY.

I already create four weekly goals that encompass life and work. I also craft a shorter list for daily to-dos - manageable and helps me stay on track. Just as I would schedule a meeting in my calendar, I block off time for injecting my day with fun and rest.

My result? Working towards meeting goals and achieving them leaves me feeling accomplished - both work and play keeps me in harmony with the flow of life.

4. Set Your Boundaries

Isn’t it empowering and productive when you run your day rather than let it run you?

Rather than reacting to every opportunity, call or email that comes in, I dedicate blocks of time for checking messages and responding. I also have my phone on silent or in another room during periods of focused work or rest. This uninterrupted focused time is highly productive and frees up more quality time to spend on other areas of my life.

5. Have A Successful & Abundant Mindset

Be aware of the ‘Ego’ blocks – too much pride, having an overpowering need to win, limiting beliefs, etc – that will pop up to steal your joy. Identify the thieves of joy!

These joy thieves will drain your cup. These actions include gossiping, running in the rat race to the point of exhaustion, competing or comparing yourself to others. When you are worried about other peoples’ perception of you, you aren’t in the state of creating. Just keep focused on your own goals.

Keep reminding yourself that you are original, a unique being. There is no need to compete with others and there is no race. Slow down, work on being a better you, and you will live in an abundance versus scarcity mindset.

Also, avoiding drama will free your mind, enabling you to be able to concentrate on tasks at hand, leaving you with more time for joyful activities.

6. Be In Harmony

Creating a harmonious, balanced life starts from within. We all need to realize that we are worthy of such a life.

Show yourself some love, compassion and trust. When we are in harmony with ourselves we can be in harmony with others. This lovely state results in more fulfilling relationships. We learn to trust that we can validate ourselves rather than to look for outside sources and influences to determine our worth.

Living harmoniously gives our self-confidence and self-esteem a boost. It also helps us gain the courage to continue to grow and try new things.

Finally, the more I rendezvous with joy, the more balance, elation and bliss I feel.

These feelings carry over when I have to get back to my tasks. I am filled with energy, creativity and confidence, all of which yield positive results.

When you let more joy in, you will find that it will pour over into all the other areas of your life.

It’s time to fill up your cup and lead the most beautiful and joyful life!

After all, isn’t that what we are all truly seeking?

FB & IG: Tamara_Atzenwiler


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